This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.


When building a Custom View, you might encounter a use case when you need to navigate between different areas. For example, you might have a list of items and you want to navigate to a detail view when the user clicks on an item.

The routing within a Custom View is decoupled from the host application because the Custom View is loaded in a sandboxed iframe to improve security. The base URL for a Custom View is of the following format: https://<merchant-center-domain>/custom-views/<custom-view-id>/projects/<project-key>.

To implement routing, use the react-router-dom library and adjust the routes.tsx you can find in the src folder of the starter templates. The following example adds two routes: page-A and page-B to the routes.tsx file for navigation:

import { Route, Switch, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import PageAComponent from './components/page-a-view';
import PageBComponent from './components/page-b-view';
const ApplicationRoutes = () => {
const match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<Route path={`${match.path}/page-A`}>
<PageAComponent />
<Route path={`${match.path}/page-B`}>
<PageBComponent />
<WelcomeComponent />

Use the Link component to navigate between pages.

import Link from '@commercetools-uikit/link';
const WelcomeComponent = () => {
const match = useRouteMatch();
return (
<h1>Welcome to the Custom View</h1>
<Link to={`${match.url}/page-A`}>Go to Page A</Link>
<Link to={`${match.url}/page-B`}>Go to Page B</Link>